Monday, July 28, 2008
It is Monday
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Beginning

I love to take pictures of nature. This is one of the photo's I took when I went to Naples with my friend Marilyn. You never know how life is going to turn out Marilyn has been my friend for 15 years and today we found out that she has a blockage to her heart. Tomorrow she and her husband will go to another doctor for another scan to find out what is going on and how they can fix it. Sometimes we take our health for granted. We figure nothing will happen to us it happens to other people not us. So we sail through life full speed ahead not paying attention to what is going on inside of us. We hear that certain foods are not good for us but we dont pay attention " you gotta die from something" has always been one of my quotes. Then one day BAM you are hit with the vision of your own mortality. Then we try to backtrack and eat fruit and veggies with salmon and chicken. But the damage is done. Sure maybe changing things can give us a few more years. I know even though this is not happening to me but to my friend I have to look at my lifestyle. I have to change my ways. I am overwieght. My grandaughter is only 10 and I want to see her graduate. I want to watch her grow into a strong woman. I have fought this beast called obesity for most of my adult life. I am not lazy or gluttonus yet my ass continues to grow. My sister can eat twice as much as I can and has never been over a size 6. Yeah I take pictures of beautiful things all the time yet when I see a pic of myself I cringe. Everyone says you are not obese. But yes I am. I am a firm believer that God creates his children in all different sizes and shapes and he loves us all. But he also says that his Holy Spirit lives within us and our bodies are his temple. So we need to have healthy temples. Which means healthy bodies. I don't claim to know everything these are just my thoughts. The foremost thought on my mind is my weight.. everyday... everytime I put something into my mouth.. Everytime I meet someone new... I would just like to be able to think about something else. And Marylyn is overwieght too. So I just gotta figure this out...