Well here we are on a Sunday night. I just ate a doughnut. Yep. I did. Now I suppose I could fall into the cessapool of self loathing and hate myself because I succumbed to the temptation of the doughnut. Or I could just say to myself " gee that was a good doughnut and it was only one doughnut not the whole half dozen and tomorrow I will do better." I think I will go with the later. I have a tendancy to be way to hard on myself so I am going to try to give myself a break for being a human being. The perfectionism that I suffer from is only when it comes to my own personal self. I don't expect anyone else to be perfect just me. That has put me under alot of self inflicted stress and it takes my energy away from the things that God wants me to do. It makes me question myself too much. So I am going to give myself a break now and again. Okay I ate the stupid doughnut. I ate one plain cake doughnut. I will walk hard tomorrow and maybe swim in the morning. But that was a really good doughnut. Whatever our addictions are we all suffer from them. I have been totally and completely delivered by the power of God from my addiction to nicotine. And I witnessed my brother totally delivered from nicotine and marijuana. Deliverance is such an awesome thing. To feel that awesome power of God working in your life. Nothing can take that feeling away from you. God is so faithful to answer our prayers. I will pray for deliverance from my addiction to sweet carbs. I would like to be able to just enjoy them without being consumed by them. Today was a good day. And I am excited about what adventures tomorrow will bring..
And that was a really good doughnut!!!! :)
And that was a really good doughnut!!!! :)