I have been unemployed now for 15 months. In this time God has taught me many, many lessons. I have learned to lean on and trust Him. When I was working and making good money I was leaning on and trusting myself to fullfill my needs. God did a much better job with next to nothing than I did while making alot. Every need I have has been met. I have not been homeless, or gone with out food or clothing. I haven't even gone without internet access! I have learned that He will always provide for me. I have also learned the joy of being a true servant. I have filled my time with volunteer work and other service adventures and my soul has been filled with such joy and gratitude. I have learned the joy of spending time with freinds. In my life I have made many friends I have never really learned to nuture those friendships. I have always been to busy with my life to just go to someones home just to sit for coffee. I do it now and I enjoy it. I am still not much of a phone talker but I am getting better. The point is that I have learned to truly value the people who are in my life. I needed to be unemployed for this period of time to learn the lessons I would have never slowed down enough to learn.
Now I have several job opportunities. Two of them are good paying jobs. One is a low paying job in a service position. I am leaning towards the lower paying job. In the past I was always looking to move up. To excel to the next level. To make more money. I don't need that anymore. I just need to be where God wants me to be. I just need to listen. I need to serve Him because He served me on the cross and he deserves no less than all I can give. I do not need a big fancy house or car. I don't even need a big bank account. Because God will provide for me. I trust Him.