Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Doughnut

Well here we are on a Sunday night. I just ate a doughnut. Yep. I did. Now I suppose I could fall into the cessapool of self loathing and hate myself because I succumbed to the temptation of the doughnut. Or I could just say to myself " gee that was a good doughnut and it was only one doughnut not the whole half dozen and tomorrow I will do better." I think I will go with the later. I have a tendancy to be way to hard on myself so I am going to try to give myself a break for being a human being. The perfectionism that I suffer from is only when it comes to my own personal self. I don't expect anyone else to be perfect just me. That has put me under alot of self inflicted stress and it takes my energy away from the things that God wants me to do. It makes me question myself too much. So I am going to give myself a break now and again. Okay I ate the stupid doughnut. I ate one plain cake doughnut. I will walk hard tomorrow and maybe swim in the morning. But that was a really good doughnut. Whatever our addictions are we all suffer from them. I have been totally and completely delivered by the power of God from my addiction to nicotine. And I witnessed my brother totally delivered from nicotine and marijuana. Deliverance is such an awesome thing. To feel that awesome power of God working in your life. Nothing can take that feeling away from you. God is so faithful to answer our prayers. I will pray for deliverance from my addiction to sweet carbs. I would like to be able to just enjoy them without being consumed by them. Today was a good day. And I am excited about what adventures tomorrow will bring..
And that was a really good doughnut!!!! :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Weighed in again

I lost 2.8 pounds this week for a grand total of 10 pounds. I am so excited!!! Getting ready for Bible study I will blog more later so much is going on!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blessed Again

My nana went to church on Saturday night with me! This was an answered prayer! God is faithful. I have met so many wonderful people through the bread ministry. The need is so large in our community. I wish there was more that we could do. We have young people, old people, all different kind of people who come in needing help. We must band together to get through this hard time. We have to or we will all fall apart.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

God is Faithful and True

Today was a very blessed day. It started out very early as I went to get bread for the Saturday give away at the church. We were so blessed. There was a great abundance and we still have saturday mornings pick up to look forward to! I spent the day with my daughter and my granddaughter and anyone who knows me and the distance we have had between us for the last year knows that only God in his grace and glory could have made that happen. Then to top off the day like a cherry on a hot fudge sunday... my daughter had bible study with us tonight!! Praise God for all his good and glory!!! He has answered my prayer again. I am so in love with my Savior! I cannot praise him enough. Thank you my sweet Lord my life is yours to use as you will. Where you lead I will go whatever you ask I will do. Thank you!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Weigh in Today

Okay so I had a weigh in today. I lost 1 pound. I suppose I should be happy and I am but there is a part of me that is just a little disappointed. I wanted to loose more. But looking back on my week I should have expected to gain. I went to the Boston Lobster Feast while in Orlando with the kids and just to start with I ate 3 lobsters!! Who does that? ME!!! Then of course it was all you can eat and I just had to have my fair share!! This whole weight thing really bothers me. There are alot of things about it that just grate my nerves. Okay I am on more than one medication for blood pressure so I need to loose weight for health reasons if for nothing else. But other things about this weight issue really bug me. I like to watch The Biggest Looser and I enjoy seeing the people reach their goals and feel better about themselves but I do not like to hear the way they feel about themselves. One season they were working with engaged couples and this beautiful bride to be weighed in at 237. When they are interviewing her she made a remark about not being able to get married at that weight!! WHAT!! Okay she was overweight but she was absolutely beautiful!! What would make her think that she would not be a beautiful bride? Why is it that our self worth is so connected to our weight. Why do we feel less than just because we are overweight? I know fat people and thin people and I don't find my thin friends to be any better than my fat friends. We all have special unique gifts to offer. If I could give the world one thing I would give everyone the ability to love themselves where they are and how they are. If there are things you want to change go for it ... loose that weight, dye your hair, get that boob job.. whatever.. just don't do it because you think that those changes will make you a more loveable person. I pray that God gives everyone the eyes to see themselves as he see's them. You were beautifully created by a God who loves you with all his heart he gave his life for you you owe it to him to love yourself. Surround yourself with people who lift you up not put you down. And don't fall into the trap of putting yourself down. I will continue to try to loose weight because I need to be healthy in order to go on with the work that I know God wants me to do not because if I don't I will feel less than anybody!! It is important to keep the temple healthy and your body is the temple of God. But it is not necessary to feel like you are

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Something New

I joined weight watchers and lost 6.2 pounds the first week. I will get weighed again tomorrow. My life has been so busy for someone who does not have a job. I have started teaching spanish at my church. My children moved back from Colorado and God is doing great things. He is so amazing and he blesses me. He does not usually bless me with material things but with things that will last throughout eternity and I am greatful.