Sometimes I feel as though I am living the life of Indiana Jones here in little North Port, Florida. Every day is full of adventure. I went for a walk with my sister the other night. We decided to take the walkway on Sumter Blvd. It is a really pretty walk complete with wooden bridges and gazebos. We walked and talked and really just had a great time right up to the end of our walk. We were coming upon the wettest part of the walk. It seems that if there is rain it comes right up to the sidewalk. We were stopped by a couple that I used to work with and got into a nice conversation just catching up. As we were preparing to leave we noticed a good size crawfish on the sidewalk. Being the big thinker that I am I thought it would be fun to bring it home and terrorize the mother and nana with it. So I picked it up like you would a lobster, right behind the claws. Thinking that there is noway that this little thing could be any kind of a threat to me. I eat things bigger than him. When we got to the car I poured out what was left of my afternoons Dunkin Donuts coffee and put him in the cup. Proud of my catch like a cat with a mouse I headed home. Upon entering the house I took hold of the little lobster wanna be and shook it in my moms face taking much delight in her screams of surprise and fear. What a meanie I am!! Hahaha. Then I headed down the hall to the Nanas room where she was sitting in her house robe preparing to go to bed. " look what I found Nana" I exclaimed as I held it up and inch from her nose . "What is it" she mused. Wanting her to get a good look I held my hand out stretched and placed it in my palm. That is when it went for revenge. With it's little claw it got me in the skin right between the thumb and the for finger. OUCH!! they pinch good. I did not want to pull its little claw off so I tried to give it a little tug. It held on like a pitbull with a T-bone. So I ran into the kitchen and held it under the water like I thought that it would loose its breath and let go! They are water creatures. By this time my hand was really hurting I could not believe it. So I said to my sister please pull the claw open and get it off!! " oh yeah so it can get me with its other claw! I don't think so!" the same sister who swears she would help me bury bodies ( that is a figure of speech we have no need to bury bodies) will not help me with a little crawfish. So I painstakingly had to slowly pry it off. Then I promptly threw it in the front yard.
Stupid crawfish.. silly me.
Stupid crawfish.. silly me.
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