Today we had a free spaghetti dinner at the church. It was part of our outreach program and it was happening at the same time as the free bread ministry so there was lots there for people in the community today. It seems that the more we give to the community the more we recieve. Today was a very special day. A woman came in and she was visibly stressed and seemed very preocupied. She had 2 small children with her. I had seen her several times before and she was outgoing and freindly today she was obviously troubled. I started a conversation with her asking her how she was. I found out that she was having trouble with her oldest son he was 13, disrespectful and her heart was breaking. After talking to her for a while it was clear that she needed prayer. So one of the intercessors prayed with her and talked with her for a while she left looking less troubled and more hopeful. That is one of the gifts we get from God, hope. The hope for healing and better things to come. Some times all a person needs is to feel that somebody cares. A smile can even have an effect on what kind of a day a person is going to have. We see people all the time and we have no idea what they are going through what kind of burdens they bare. We as Christians need to make sure we are doing all we can for the kingdom of God. And kindess matters. Kindness ALWAYS matters. Many people show up every week for the free bread that we are blessed to recieve and share. And every week I am blessed by them. I have met some wonderful people and I am so blessed to be allowed to serve God and his children this way. In todays society when financial problems are so prevelant we have to find ways to help each other. Every week we get donations of clothing from the very people we serve with free bread and clothing. They recieve and they give. They share their lives with us the trouble and the blessings. They allow us to pray with them. To cry with them and to laugh with them. I sometimes imagine that this is kind of what heaven will be like. We will all worship and share together. Age, race, height, weight, eye color none of it will matter. We will not be separated by anything we will just be His children interested in nothing more than worshipping the Father. There is the hope. The hope of peace, love and understanding. Pastor said that our lives are like a camping trip and we are roughing it but we know that when the trip is over we will be going home. Home to comfort. But as with camping there will be some fun and there will be some days when your tent gets rained out and you are uncomfortable but know that this is just a visit someday we will be going home. I live to serve the Father in any capacity that he decides he wants me. I know I am not perfect but I know he is working in me. I pray to be a kind person I pray that I cause no harm to anyone. That He will give me a heart of love so unbelievers will see His love in me and will want His love in them. Like the song says " Shine let them wonder what you got let them wish that they were not on the outside looking in" I know that someday I will go see him face to face what a glorious thing to look forward to. But in the meantime I will enjoy this adventure he has me on. And I will tell anyone that will listen about my wonderful Father who loves them and wants them to come home to comfort when the time comes for their camping trip to end. In the meantime I intend to just be one of the happy campers.
1 comment:
Amen Sister Alecia!!!!!
And How did you do on the CNA test? I was praying for you.As well as the thrift Shop! Keep me posted!! I am praying for you like mad!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo!!
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