Sunday, October 26, 2008

Confused and Concerned

I so need to pray to God for direction. I must listen to God and not to man.

1 comment:

Sister Pat said...

I have not heard from you so I went to your blog and I read your post about being confused. I will be praying for you for the direction that you are asking for.

Confusion is from Satan... Lord Knows Satan uses that one on all of us. You may not choose to listen to "some men" as some are not "Spiritually in tune" with God. But do listen to the one's that you know do listen for God's voice. The word says "In the multitude of Counselors is much Wisdom" So ask for Wisdom and listen to those who have the long and right wisdom. God Bless you and give you the wisdom you need at this very time in your life. Sister Pat Online ... here for you girl.